Diamond Sponsorship
Logo promotion on VCHS Concession Stand and App
Banner in Gym
Sponsorship acknowledgement announcement at home games
Full page ad in Sports Program
Logo and acknowledgement on www.vchspa.org website
This sponsorship includes the following for your immediate family:
Admission to Home Games- $5/pp savings per game!
Fellowship Dinners- $80/year
Theater Performances- $25/p
Once you have completed check-out and confirmed your sponsorship, we will reach out to you to coordinate your ad, banner, etc. You do not need this information now to check-out!
Logo promotion on VCHS Concession Stand and App
Banner in Gym
Sponsorship acknowledgement announcement at home games
Full page ad in Sports Program
Logo and acknowledgement on www.vchspa.org website
This sponsorship includes the following for your immediate family:
Admission to Home Games- $5/pp savings per game!
Fellowship Dinners- $80/year
Theater Performances- $25/p
Once you have completed check-out and confirmed your sponsorship, we will reach out to you to coordinate your ad, banner, etc. You do not need this information now to check-out!
Logo promotion on VCHS Concession Stand and App
Banner in Gym
Sponsorship acknowledgement announcement at home games
Full page ad in Sports Program
Logo and acknowledgement on www.vchspa.org website
This sponsorship includes the following for your immediate family:
Admission to Home Games- $5/pp savings per game!
Fellowship Dinners- $80/year
Theater Performances- $25/p
Once you have completed check-out and confirmed your sponsorship, we will reach out to you to coordinate your ad, banner, etc. You do not need this information now to check-out!